Fantastic Decor Floral

Bright Pastels Dried Flower Bouquet


Bright Pastels Dried Flower Bouquet

Add a charming touch of spring to your home with our Bright Pastels Dried Flower Bouquet. This beautiful arrangement features a mix of dried flowers and preserved grasses in soft pastel hues, including pink, purple, blue, yellow, and orange. Perfect for gifting or displaying, this bouquet offers a vibrant alternative to traditional fresh flowers.

Hand-arranged and wrapped with care by our talented team at The Norfolk Flower Room, each bouquet is tied with twine and ready to be placed in a vase, bringing long-lasting beauty to your space. The bouquet includes a stunning combination of billy buttons, poppy heads, bunny tails, phalaris, and moreβ€”each piece thoughtfully selected for its color and texture.

With proper care, these dried and preserved flowers will last for years, requiring no water and minimal maintenance. Just keep them out of direct sunlight and away from water to ensure they stay vibrant and beautiful day after day.


  • Length: Approx. 51cm

Made From:

  • Dried flowers, twine, paper

Whether displayed in your home this spring or all year round, this bouquet adds a delightful pop of color and effortless charm to any space.Β 

Please note: due to the handmade nature of our arrangements, the flowers may vary slightly, but will be equally beautiful. Vase Not Included.